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General Site Search
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Practice Context
Aged Care
Mental Health
Rural and Remote
Interprofessional Education
Private Practice
Workplace Information
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Online learning module
Professional Development
Practice Context
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Practice Context
Student Placements with First Nations Peoples
Benefits of student placements with First Nations Peoples
Planning student placements in First Nations health settings
Student preparation and support in First Nations Health Settings
Supervisor support for placements in First Nations Settings
Communicating with First Nations Peoples
Working with First Nations Health Workers
Aged Care
Student Placements in an Aged Care Setting
Benefits of student placements in aged care
Student preparation and support for aged care settings
Assisting students to empower Self Determination in Aged Care
Quality care in aged care settings
Palliative care
Funding models and medical aids subsidies
Communication with clients in aged care
Inter Professional Education in Aged Care
Mental Health
Student placements in mental health settings
Planning student placements in mental health settings
Student preparation and support in mental health settings
Supervisor support for placements in mental health settings
Rural and Remote
Student placements in rural and remote health settings
Planning student placements in rural and remote settings
Student preparation and support for rural and remote placements
Student preparation and support
Confidentiality and professional boundaries
Accommodation and financial considerations
Maintaining student well-being
Supervisor support for placements in rural and remote settings
Orientation to rural and remote student placements
Managing outreach service delivery
Technology use in rural and remote settings
Interprofessional education in a rural and remote health setting
Culturally diverse placement settings
Benefits of placements in culturally diverse settings
Planning student placements in culturally diverse settings
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Student placements in NDIS settings
Benefits of student placements in NDIS settings
Planning student placements in NDIS settings
Student preparation and support for placements in NDIS settings
Supervisor support for placements in NDIS settings
Interprofessional Education
What is Interprofessional Education...and what is it NOT?
Planning student placements in IPE settings
Student preparation and support for IPE placements
Supervisor support for IPE placements
IPE – evidence, networks, professional development and toolkits
Private Practice
Student placements in private practice settings
Planning student placements in private practice settings
Specific Allied Health Professions
University placement information
Workplace Information
Core Clinical Education Skills
Characteristics of effective student supervisors
Student-supervisor relationships
Cultural safety on placements
Placement learning goals and objectives
Facilitating Learning on Student Placements
Questioning techniques
Clinical decision making and clinical reasoning
Group Communication
Reflective Practice and Self Assessment
Providing Feedback
The role of assessment
Assessment opportunities
Consistency in Assessment
Assessment checklist
Managing the underperforming student
Managing Difficult Situations
Conflict Resolution
Challenging placement situations
Practical ways to start difficult conversations
Managing difficult situations - tools for supervisors
Managing difficult situations - tools for students
Meeting Diverse Learning Needs
Culturally and linguistically diverse students
Students with a disability or medical condition
Maintaining mental health and wellbeing
Supporting student mental health and wellbeing
Emotional wellbeing - resources for student supervisor
Virtual supervision and virtual placements
Preparing For and Managing Placements
Benefits of student placements
Quality student placements
Student placement models
Creating a safe learning environment
Creating a student placement
First time student supervisors
Supervisor support for workload management
Pre-placement planning
Orientation of the student
Managing expectations, professional boundaries and ethical practice
During a student placement
Evaluating the placement experience
General Site Search
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Practice Context
Aged Care
Mental Health
Rural and Remote
Interprofessional Education
Private Practice
Workplace Information
Create a Profile
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